The Impact of Remote Learning on Students with Performance-Avoidance Goals
In the last few months or so, our district has been working on getting students back in school. With that has come a lot of planning meetings, for both the district and union, that have brought up a lot of reflective questions. However, one in particular that was asked by our union about a month ago really took me back and has had me thinking about it for a while now. That question was: “What would you like the public to know?” With that question a lot of things come to mind. It is hard to go on social media and see the criticism, and the overall false assumptions that have come from one bad remote learning incident. But really, what I have wanted the public to know is that for some students, especially those with performance-avoidance goals, remote learning has worked. With this in mind, I do not want to undermine the experiences that many students and families have. There are students who struggle to complete work and home, technology that interferes with academics, ...